I have been a "bedroom musician" for as long as I can remember.

Recently, I was struck by something an Uber driver told me in the form of the old "if a tree falls in the forest" idiom...

"If you died tomorrow, would it be as if any of your music ever existed?"

I have been in a casual state of existential panic ever since... so now, I not only want to share my music with as many people as will listen, but I also want to help convinced the hundred of thousands of other "bedroom musicians" to share, promote and talk about their work as well.

How sad to think about a world deprived of so many beautiful, provocative, and sometimes perhaps earthmoving songs... all because some of us musicians' reluctance to turn up the volume.

I want to see a constant stream of fresh bandcamp/soundcloud/spotify links. I want to hear artists have to say about their process (or sometimes lack thereof) when it comes to composing music/writing lyrics. And I really want to hear about what has KEPT artists from wanting to show their music to as many people as possible.

Jude Colin

Jude Colin

I write to try and be as helpful to people as possible, whether I am talking about meditation/mindfulness, personal finance, music, or eyeballs: I live to help.